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Sundown Library

Selected Sites

Texas Records and Information Locator (TRAIL): TRAIL searches and locates information from over 180 Texas state agency web servers.

The Handbook of Texas Online: The Handbook of Texas Online is a multidisciplinary encyclopedia of Texas history, geography, and culture sponsored by the Texas State Historical Association and the General Libraries at UT Austin.

Texas Online: The official website for the Great State of Texas and provides instant access to almost 800 state and local government services.

Library of Texas: Immediately start searching multiple Texas library catalogs and other knowledge collections in one sitting.

Texas Heritage Online: Texas Heritage Online provides unified online access to Texas' historical documents and images for use by teachers, students, historians, genealogists, and other researchers.


TexShare Databases Try these databases filled with magazine articles, encyclopedia entries, and other materials to help you discover more on any subject, from general interest to business, hobbies, and more. Please see your librarian for a username and password.

Good Reads Interested in the latest news headlines? Looking for something new to read? We'll get you pointed in the right direction.

Selected Sites This collection of recommended Web sites will makes it easy to find good information on the Internet on a wide variety of topics. Browse or search.

Community Organizations Search our database of local community groups or add your own non-profit community organization (subject to staff approval).