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Sundown Library

Library Services

Everything we do for you, inside the library or out


Mon.-Thurs. 9am-6pm weekly 

These hours of service will be determined by the availability of the staff and budget. 


The access, use, and services of library facilities shall be extended equally to every member of the community. We will make concerted inclusive efforts for all people regardless of  origin, age, disability, background, or views to access information on current and historical issues. The library’s resources provide equal access for the enlightenment of the community we serve.

As the library is the property of the city and the taxpayers, each library patron is expected to exercise reasonable care in his/her use of the facilities, as with any other public property, remembering the obligation to his/her fellow citizens for their use of the same facilities.

Photocopy Service

The library provides assistance with the copier for community convenience and protection of the library collection. Copyright laws are to be followed by all patrons making photocopies. The library has no responsibility for personal violations of copyright. The price per sheet is $0.25 for black and white and $1.00 for a color copy.


Print Service

The prints which are available for public use have a per-page print fee of $0.25 for black and white and $1.00 for a color. If you have the assistance of a library staffer and there is a mistake made in the printing, the library may absorb the fees for the mistake. If you do not have the assistance of the library staff and there is a mistake, the financial responsibility is solely the patron’s.


Groups and Organizations

In an effort to stimulate the interest of all community agencies and organizations in library service, the library will cooperate with such groups in providing full use of exhibits, clinics, discussions, and public relations programs. However, service to such groups shall not interfere with the service program for the general public.



The library will function as a cooperative agency in the total or overall educational program. A close working relationship will be established with the school system, using the needs of the students as a guide to correlate but not duplicate school programs.


Other Libraries

Cooperation with other libraries of all types is encouraged to an unburdened financial extent to promote access to the widest possible library resources, giving preference to our patrons, those within Hockley County and neighboring south plains counties.



The use of the library may be denied for due cause. Objectionable conduct, creating a disturbance, destruction of property, failure to abide by the rules of operation, or interference with service to others may be considered sufficient grounds to effect temporary curtailment of service at the discretion of the Library Director. 

As a more specific notation: speech or expressive activity that is not protected by the First Amendment in the main categories of unprotected speech as identified by the U.S. Supreme Court include obscenity, child pornography, defamation and expression intended and likely to incite imminent lawless action, such as fighting words or true threats. (More information can be found in the Library’s “Patron Code of Conduct” & “Safe Child Policy”.)


Complaints regarding library service should be brought to the attention of the Library Director. If the matter cannot be settled to the satisfaction of the complainant and the librarian, the complaint will be presented to the City Administrator in writing, where it will be given full consideration.


  • The City and the Library Director accept the responsibility to provide an attractive, orderly, functional atmosphere, suited to the general library-use of all persons.
  • Adequate space for movement of patrons and staff and sufficient seating and parking will be provided for library clientele.
  • The building, collection, and furnishings will be jointly maintained by the City and Library staff in an effort to meet community needs.